accepting change

it seems as though college is the place we are to figure out who we are. although I can say that college is the place where I learned to accept who I am, I can’t help but think about my wonder of this question throughout my past four years.

At this point in my life, I fully believe that we are the sum of our past experiences. No person can ever say that they understand what another is going through because the thoughts with which we enter each new experience are vastly different. The perspectives we have, the emotions we feel are shaped by the way we’ve experienced moments in our individual pasts. Furthermore, because we are constantly experiencing new things and participating in new conversations, the amount of experiences we have are ever increasing. We are ever changing. Moment to moment, day to day, we are NEVER the same.

After nearly four years of trying my best to figure out who I am, I have discovered that since my pre-teen years, I have functioned off of a core of basic ideals. some taken from my faith, others from my parents, all philosophies I use to make decisions.

Undoubtably frustrating, I have accepted that I am ever changing. However, after much contemplation, I have found that my fundamental beliefs have remained fairly constant (at least since I’ve been aware of them). This is likely the most comforting and rewarding realization of my college years.